Traditional classroom-style training, Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification training, and basic computer literacy workshops are the signature services offered under the TABTraining Division of TAB Training & Consulting, LLC. We have recently added Professional Staff Development, which overs employee on-board training and Staff Coaching Services to the menu of services under this division of services designed to “bridge the technology literacy gap” that exists in the workplace between management and front-line admin workers. All of our TABTraining division services feature empowering individuals to leverage current Microsoft Office Suite and Office 365 applications as a tools for success. as a result, becoming more efficient, effective, and productive users of technology and increasing his/her individual human capital.

web-based training & webiNARS

web-based training & webiNARS

Maximizing today’s use of the cloud and the power of the Internet offers the opportunity to learn from the comfort of one’s home or office desk. Whether as a single parent, that needs a flexible schedule, or an employer that is seeking to save on transportation costs and reduce hours lost due to travel time (outside of the office) for employees attending training classes, virtual learning is just one solution for such situations. TABVirtual was designed with just that in mind…for the individual that faces a challenging schedule or the employee that needs to maximize his/her limited time available within a work schedule; where both are looking to enhance his/her human capital without disrupting what is already a hectic life.

Tutoring with a personal touch

Tutoring with a personal touch

This Division of TAB Training & Consulting, LLC focuses on providing tutoring to individuals, both adult and teen, and “friends & families” (in small setting) on the Microsoft Office Suite & Office 365 applications to help with the handling of personal tasks (such as creating a budget), family tasks (such as organizing a family reunion) and/or academic tasks (such as homework assignments and research projects). All to often, learning options provide the “how” something gets done (the steps), but not the what, when and why part of the solution to the user’s pain point. This is addressed by us as part of our 1-on-1 personalized tutoring sessions, focused on delivering the complete learning experience.


Career transition & job seeking

Career transition & job seeking

“It is my experience that most individuals in career transition are less success during the employment search campaign due to his or her lack of technology literacy than from a lack of experience or knowledge,” stated by Troy A. Burgher (owner). The TABCareers Division was created to address such a need by providing a full range of services ranging from basic computer literacy workshops and webinars to more specialized training on Microsoft Office Suite & Office 365 applications that form the backbone of administrative duties and tasks for most companies. The job search campaign is more than updating and ensuring one has a current/error-free resume, it is about leveraging technology as a tool to increase one’s employment opportunities while enhancing one’s human capital; what value is it that he or she brings to the company of interest.